From the Breastplate of St. Patrick

I gave this to my husband Mike on his 40th birthday.  It was hand scribed by my friend Pam Riddell.  Soak in the beauty and meaning of St. Patrick’s prayer and legacy.


Surrendering Well: The Life and Legacy of Elisabeth Elliot

ebe1cI hadn’t seen any new material from my heroine Elisabeth Elliot in quite a few years. She, the prolific author and speaker and saint.  She who might be considered an anachronism by some modern Christian women.

And then I read the recent WORLD Magazine article by Tiffany Owens.  Elisabeth has been battling dementia for the last ten years.

I was anxious to read the article to find out how a woman known for bringing gracious clarity to difficult issues of faith would handle this last and maybe most difficult of assignments. The answer was what I might have guessed:  with grace and dignity.

A beautiful benediction for your Saturday

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Listen to this benediction sung by Maeve.  The author is unknown.  It just might bring you to tears as you start your day.